The team at Minerva are extremely excited to bring you this webinar later this month. Thrilled to have Senior Economist from HSBC, Liz Martins, to talk to, this is a must attend and watch webinar for the current climate.
These chatty yet informative gatherings are our way of bringing to you the experts in their field, a conversation on the things that matter to our sector – how we can continue to grow and manage the pain points, celebrate the challenges, and achieve great things both firm wide and with clients.
So, what is happening with the next one – Thursday 20th October at 10am?
With a change of PM, a mini-budget that caused a mini-crisis, a recession on the way and Brexit still simmering away in the background. Government intervention has shifted some of the cost of the energy crisis from the private to the public sector. Still, for businesses, the reprieve is only temporary, and for many households, it may be offset by higher mortgage costs.
Now that we have had the political party conferences, the news has been awash with opinion from many about the turbulent times the UK is looking at.
Join LFS Sales Director Richard Mathias and Liz for an informal low down on how, as we go into another busy season, the UK economy crisis will affect the legal industry.
Don’t miss this. Sign up today.
This article was submitted to be published by Law Firm Services. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Conveyancer.