Reviving the High Street

A hybrid offering, which serves customers of all needs and capabilities, is what we should all be working towards.

The law industry has moved further away from the High Street over recent years because so much more can now be achieved online. The internet revolutionised our industry in so many ways, but on the downside, we have lost many of the personal and human elements necessary to do our job empathetically.  Particularly in conveyancing, where there are often high levels of stress involved.  Often, effective communication with clients and third parties, which could easily diffuse stressful scenarios, is compromised by hiding behind a computer screen.

When considering the location for our third office, we debated the merits of a High Street vs office block location.  The simple option would have been to move into another office block, distanced from clients and other businesses so we can control external visits and get on with the job.  While that approach might protect a few hours here and there, it doesn’t add the most value to a local community.

Our mission is to lead change in the industry through transparency and integrity, so opening a High Street location, with an open-door policy seemed fitting of those values.  The two biggest factors in deciding our next location were how we could benefit the local community and how we can better work with local estate agents.

Working with the local community

Walking into a solicitor’s office can be intimidating for many, it’s not something most people do every day. Offices across the legal profession have historically been stuffy places, where the client doesn’t usually get past the receptionist. Our aim is to create a location where people can walk in off the high street, regardless of where they are in the buying or selling process and get advice from one of our team.  We won’t charge a fee for a quick chat and in the long term, helping people with queries and concerns generates the most effective marketing – word of mouth recommendations.

With a large building to fill, our ambition is to employ local people with in-depth knowledge of their area, support the local economy and work with local charities to give-back.

A hybrid service, tailored to client’s needs

With an on-street and off-street office presence, this hybrid offering helps us to cater to all clients depending on their needs.  Some client don’t care about meeting anyone in person, they feel confident in the process and can facilitate the signing and return of paperwork digitally with no issues.  Other clients want to meet their solicitor face to face, they need that contact to assure them of the next steps and many still want to physically sign paperwork. Our Bromsgrove office offers both service options to clients in the Midlands area.

In the long term, our vision is to host monthly events, with solicitors, estate agents and mortgage brokers all in one room offering free advice to anyone who wants to come along.  A one-stop-shop for the local community to empower people with legal information and build relationships with our local businesses.   If every client has amazing journey, people won’t be so hesitant to move and in the long term, it’ll keep the housing market moving.


Kevin Gilbert is director and solicitor at Aconveyancing’s Bromsgrove office, for more information, visit




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