The combined turnover of CLC-regulated practices has more than doubled since 2011.
According to figures released by the CLC the combined turnover of all practices regulated by the body was was £93,421,038 in 2011. They say that by 2016 this had increased to £197,940,246.
However according to the CLC the turnover of the average firm has lagged slightly behind the increase in average turnover.
There has been an increase in the number of practices regulated by the CLC, but the CLC themselves say further analysis shows that the growth in combined turnover has been largely in-step with the growth of the regulated community, meaning that average turnover has increased almost as much as combined turnover.
The CLC also say they do not yet have a fixed number of practices for 2016, but comparison of figures from 2015 show that combined turnover had increased by 178% from 2011, while average turnover per practice increased by 175% over the same period.