The guidance for conveyancers on evidence of identity for change of name applications has been updated by Land Registry.
Section 6.3 on Change of name has been amended to clarify that, where evidence of identity is supplied in respect of a change of name application, Land Registry also need to see evidence in the person’s former name
The updated section now reads:
Rule 17 identity evidence is required where an application is being made to alter the register following a change of name by deed poll, statutory declaration or statement of truth and the application is not combined with other applications.
A standalone change of name application where the supporting evidence is a deed poll, statutory declaration or statement of truth must be lodged using form AP1 and must include either a certificate confirming that you are satisfied that sufficient steps have been taken to verify the person’s identity or evidence as to identity in form ID1.
The following wording is suggested for the certificate which must give the person’s current name:
“I confirm that I am satisfied that sufficient steps have been taken to verify the identity of ………….. and that they are the registered proprietor or the person named in entry number [X] in the register of title ……….”.
The certificate may be given in a covering letter, or, for example, by amending the certificate in the second part of panel 13 of form AP1.
Although the Land Registration Rules 2003 do not provide for the amendment of the wording in prescribed forms, Land Registry will not reject or question any form AP1 amended in this way.
As mentioned, if such a certificate cannot be given, then you should lodge form ID1 in the new name as well as copies of official documentation to establish a link to the person named in the register or deed. This might be a passport, driver’s licence or utility bill that shows the former name (as to which see Completion of form ID1 and form ID2).