HMLR practice guide

HM Land Registry seeks view on its fees

HM Land Registry launches the Future Fees and Charging Structure call for evidence as part of a review of the current approach to setting fees for its data and services. The current fees and charging structure is seen by many to be complex. However it hasn’t been significantly revised since the organisation’s inception in 1862.

The review will look at how HM Land Registry’s fees and charging structure can be improved by asking respondents to answer questions based on three themes.

  • Modernising and simplifying the fee structure.
  • Ensuring fees are fair and reasonable.
  • Supporting the land and property information agenda and encouraging innovation through better and more open access to data.

The call for evidence will run until 5 April. The organisation will then respond with detail on future stages of the review.

Chief Executive and Chief Land Registrar Simon Hayes said:

Our fees and charging structure has become unnecessarily complex. We want to seek views from a wide audience to ensure that the way we charge for our services supports our customers as well as the delivery of our Strategy 2022+.

Further information

To access the consultation visit HM Land Registry fees and charging structure.

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