estate agents be the catalyst to improving the home buying

Could estate agents be the catalyst to improving the home buying and selling process?

Conveyancer and the conveyancing process bashing is de rigueur at the moment and has been for some while. However, maybe the first step in improving matters could (should?) come from those who have the first foot through the door, i.e. estate agents.

The number of I’s that need dotting a T’s that need crossing by conveyancers grow almost daily, all the help they can get and fewer interruptions they receive, would free up the time they need to carry out the legal work and would be welcomed.

My suggestions are, agents please:

  • Don’t take referral fees from firms you know are not particularly efficient
  • Provide correct and comprehensive details of the seller/s and the property
  • Pass on relevant information as to why the seller is moving home
  • Provide details of any hoped-for timescale and what the reason is for it
  • Highlight anything about the property that might cause a delay, new windows, new heating system, extension or recent loft conversion etc
  • Provide a chain sheet. Knowing which conveyancing firms are in the chain and where they are, can be a real help
  • Make sure your colleagues have a basic understanding of the conveyancing process and explain certain terms and phrases to them
  • Prime the seller as to what information and documentation (guarantees, planning permission, safety certificates etc) their conveyancer will need in order to pass on to the buyer’s conveyancer. Particularly if the property is leasehold
  • Explain to the seller why instructing a conveyancer before an offer has been made and accepted can help speed up their sale, and encourage them to do so
  • Tell the seller why completing and returning the TA6 (or other form) is important
  • Agree with the conveyancer a time, place, and method as to when updates on the progress of the transaction should be provided. Ten pass those updates on to other interested parties
  • Make sure you have carried out due diligence on proof/source of funds

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