Diary Of A High Street Conveyancer – Relentless emails

I know that I did not write a diary entry last week… and do you know the reason why? Because, I, like you, am struggling. I am finding it hard to stay on top of everything, and the volume of emails is becoming too difficult. And if we don’t reply to those chasing emails from the estate agents, then the agents will tell the clients that they cannot get hold of us and then the clients will call and start to complain.

How can we do our work?

I read this week that many conveyancers are back to working the long hours that we did during the last stamp duty break. It is not good for us. Hours looking at a screen, trying to decide who is more urgent when we know that all clients want to complete by the end of March. The pressure is immense.

So, a plea to all those bosses in conveyancing firms; think about your conveyancers.

They are under such pressure and it is relentless. Switching on your laptop on a morning, only to find fifty or more emails overnight on top of those that could not be dealt with the day before and those that will be coming in during the course of the day. When can a conveyancer do the ‘real ‘ work?


This is written by a real high street conveyancer who wishes to remain anonymous. Read more in Today’s Conveyancer every week.


One Response

  1. I agree, we are back to working long hours and frankly clients, agents, brokers etc. do not have any kind of realistic expectations. It’s all a case of pass the buck. I’ve just had an agent call up on 04/02; I am looking at a first time purchase at the moment, raising enquiries and doing the title report (searches are not yet back). The agent says that the seller is now tying in and must complete pre-SDLT deadline. Cue numerous emails with everyone trying to manage expectations. Cue more work for us and because the agent has put that to us, she feels her responsibility is done and it is off her desk. Some of these people need to get a grip and learn processes and what we do. I was saying to people pre-Christmas break please get a complete chain ready and instructed for SDLT purposes at that point. Why are we still getting these new matters in, in February where the agent in particular is giving unrealistic timeframes. Agents should be regulated properly and if they are saying that to clients they should have to pay out of their own money if their is a reliance placed and they get it wrong. Honestly I am sick to death of people that should know better giving naïve people such rubbish advice that only bounces back on us. Agents moan and complain about us Conveyancers but the chain starts with them.

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