Do conveyancers get the credit they perhaps deserve for the progress they have made in adopting technology and new processes? Do they come under pressure to adopt change and technology and how can we improve the way we introduce process and change management in our businesses and bring people along with us on that journey?
How can we ensure our staff are both technically competent, and have the soft skills required for the role; conveyancing is an increasingly multi-faceted role with technology, legal expertise, stakeholder management, client experience and customer service skills all critical to an individual’s success.
All topics of conversation in the latest Today’s Conveyancer Podcast with guest Gemma Fulbrook-Felstead, Operations Director at Collaborative Conveyancing. The discussion explores the challenges of change management and introducing new technologies and processes, encouraging firms to visualise what the short, medium and long term impact of change could be. Gemma also discusses how we can support people with individuality and flair within process driven roles.
And on the topic of change management Gemma draws on her experience working in management consultancy in getting firms to draw out of staff their fears and concerns around change and drilling into the “why” of change so people can understand and challenge it.
But firms must also be cautious of process and technology change; conveyancers use an average of 3.7 technology systems in their roles and as Gemma says, what we don’t want is to introduce changes that end up creating barriers, or clash… we need them to be cohesive and seamless.
The Today’s Conveyancer podcast can be found on your preferred podcast provider and also at Subscribe and listen in for all the latest conveyancing industry news and views.