Introduction December is always a good time for reflecting on the year that is coming to an end and looking forward to the new year to come. As thing stand, the one thing we can

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to consider the background to and lessons to be learned since the introduction of the Home Report in Scotland in December 2008. In particular, the paper contains a

digital id

Anyone who has been through the homemoving process knows how repetitive and time-consuming the verification of identity process (“VOI”). Even with the introduction of digital ID providers into the market, the experience for consumers is


The benefits of homeowners having a Property Logbook have been canvassed for some time. This article looks at the expansion of the national register of property logbooks and considers the benefits this will bring. What

long winding road in mam tor

Towards the end of last year, I penned an article – “Joining the dots in the home moving process” – in which I referred to a conveyancing transaction having many moving parts. This article looks

digital property concept

In an article published in Today’s Conveyancer earlier this year, I stressed the importance of being forward-looking as the digital age advances around us. Less than three months later, we have had the announcement of

Extended feature | Professor Stewart Brymer of the University of Dundee and the Home Buying & Selling Group looks at how far conveyancing has come – and where it may go next January is always

home moving process

A conveyancing transaction is a fluid thing with many moving parts. Everyone involved has a view as to where the problems lie but only rarely is an holistic view taken as to how the home
