HMLR practice guide updates: July 2022

HM Land Registry practice guide updates: PG10, PG26 and PG36a Index map: official search (PG10) Page summary: Details of the information held on the index map and how to apply for an official search (practice guide 10). Change made: Edited section 5.3, under title additional fees – this has been amended to advise we will […]
Tech comparison index will enable conveyancers to benchmark against peers

Conveyancing firms will be able to compare their technology and digitisation against peers with the launch of the Digital Conveyancing Maturity Index by conveyancing technology platform provider InfoTrack. Claimed to be an industry first, the index will survey the digital conveyancing capabilities of law firms to understand how digitally advanced their processes are or are […]
Transactions slow in June as cost of living sets in

Monthly transaction figures for June published by HM Land Registry (HMLR) on Thursday revealed a drop in transactions month-on-month as the cost of living begins to tighten its vice on homebuyers. The provisional non-seasonally adjusted estimate of UK residential transactions in June 2022 is 96,290, 3.1% lower than May 2022. This is also 55.1% lower […]
Calling on the next generation of conveyancers

The conveyancing industry is changing. It can sometimes feel as though traditional high street conveyancing is a dying art. Is unregistered title and complex land law being replaced by the need to be financial fraud and identity experts, environmental scientists and climate change soothsayers? The role of a conveyancer is so much more than “the […]
Date announced for National Conveyancing Week 2023

Further details have emerged about a “National Conveyancing Week” in 2023 designed to inform, educate, assist, motivate, reassure, help recruit new entrants, improve the profile of conveyancers and conveyancing, and ensure fees can be set at and kept at an acceptable level. Formally launched at the Bold Legal Conference in June, the first ever National […]
Diary of a high street conveyancer; 25th July 2022

Following my diary entry last week, Today’s Conveyancer ran a poll in which they asked: “What has been the biggest source of delay in conveyancing transactions with which you’ve been involved of late?” I was pleased that my diary gets those doing conveyancing work at the coal face talking about the day-to-day issues we experience. […]
Pre-completion fall-throughs on the rise – report

New research has shown that the number of deals falling through pre-completion is on the rise. This comes against a backdrop of dwindling consumer confidence amid cost of living concerns and interest rate hikes. Landmark Information Group’s Q2 2022 Property Trends Report shows that Q2 saw a return to consistent activity levels across the key […]
e-Conveyancing – lessons from Australia

The implosion of Boris Johnson’s government has seemingly put paid to any government intervention in the housing market as the industry contemplates its 11th Housing secretary in 12 years. Calls for intervention to support the implementation of a universal e-conveyancing solution have increased as the UK property market continues to struggle with the delays in […]
Logbook company establishes first-ever “consumer data standard” for new homes

Property Logbook company Chimni has issued a first-ever “consumer data standard” for new homes, outlining the data and digital information that housebuilders should increasingly expect to deliver to buyers as part of their core product at handover. Outlined in a new white paper – “The Data Home” – the data standard is a product of […]
Burnout… what is it and how can we better cope with stress?

Burnout is a subject close to the heart of conveyancers up and down the country following the challenges of the last couple of years. In this episode of the Today’s Conveyancer podcast, host David Opie is joined by Lead Steele, a coach and trainer for law firms and founder of Searching for Serenity. As a […]
IWG launches consultation on the electronic execution of documents

The Industry Working Group (IWG) on the electronic execution of documents have launched their consultation which can be found here. If you wish to submit a response to this consultation, please send it (in Word or PDF form) by 9th September 2022 to Please state “IWG consultation” in the subject line of your email. Further […]