OneSearch Direct, the largest local search data company in the UK, has reached its highest peak quarter since the abolishment of HIPs in 2010. In September 2020, the property data provider processed 93% more regulated local authority searches and an astonishing 127% more drainage & water reports than in September 2019. Celebrating another milestone, OneSearch Direct recently surpassed 5 million local, drainage & water, and environmental searches.
Following the re-opening of the housing market, transaction volumes have come back at an exponential pace. To absorb this capacity and support organic company growth, OneSearch has invested in extra staff and IT infrastructure.
Lidia Quinlan, Head of Sales, OneSearch Direct, comments:
“Whilst we’re extremely grateful for these high volumes, we’re being pragmatic and don’t anticipate this to be the “new normal”. Presently, many of our clients are overwhelmed with a backlog of casework, compounded with logjams at various stages from lending to completion. It’s a frustrating time for many, not least anxious homebuyers and sellers.
“There’s a real focus in our industry at the moment around obtaining property data at an earlier stage of the property transaction. This is in line with our ethos and we offer two products specifically to support this: OneSearch Express, an insurance policy (with cover of £1m for residential, £2m for commercial) supplemented by a real-time data report containing over 80 data points on a selected property, typically returned in just 24 hours. Available in all council areas, Express provides a vital alternative to local searches during these difficult times as it is lender friendly and allows conveyancers to transact quickly.
“We also offer OneSearch Duo: a Regulated Local Authority search which is split into two parts, returning the majority of CON29 enquiries within 24 hours. Our data methodology means conveyancers can investigate potential red flags from the outset, not after an already potentially long wait due to search delays, which can put transactions at further risk of collapse. If you are a time-stretched conveyancer currently drowning in work or suffering from search delays, I strongly recommend Express or Duo. These reports allow you to complete with more confidence, and tie matters up quickly to get on with your next case.”
What is the OneSearch Data Methodology?
OneSearch are able to populate the Express and Duo Part A data reports due to a Triple Quality Checked Data Methodology. An in-house data team captures local enquiries data at every stage, from initial proposals, public consultations, and committee hearings, to advertisement. By the time any action is authorised, OneSearch has a comprehensive backstory in their unrivalled database. And it truly is unrivalled – OneSearch Direct are the only company to hold a national database of most of the available local authority data on every property in England and Wales. No other company has this unique dataset.
Liz Jarvis, Managing Director, OneSearch Direct, comments:
“The reality is that Covid annihilated the housing market during lockdown. When restrictions finally eased, many sectors within our industry struggled – and they are still struggling – to recover. At OneSearch, we’re fortunate to be in a position to weather this storm, due to the robust business contingency plan we have in place. Not only have all staff remained working from the safety of their homes, they are doing so at full capacity. Productivity is at an all-time high and we’ve even bolstered teams with additional staff to deliver the high standard of service our clients have come to expect.
“Since joining the Landmark Information Group, we now have access to market intelligence on a much wider context in the property transaction cycle. This has been instrumental in scaling up to meet the capacity we’ve come to experience, and I’m proud to say we’ve absorbed this extra volume due to our highly efficient teams. The leadership within each department has been testament to our success, and our customer satisfaction scores further reflect this.”
Liz Jarvis joins other experts from government and industry on Tuesday 6th October to discuss proposed reforms to the planning system across England. The Planning for the Future virtual event will examine the impact of the proposed changes and discuss potential opportunities and risks to the industry. Click here to register for this free event.
To find out more about OneSearch Express or OneSearch Duo, call the Service Introduction Team on 01782 433 270 or email You can request sample reports here.
For more information on OneSearch Direct, visit or call main Headquarters on 0800 052 0117.
This article was submitted to be published by OneSearch Direct as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Conveyancer. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Conveyancer.