IASME Consortium To Be New Cyber Essentials Partner

IASME Consortium To Be New Cyber Essentials Partner

It has been announced the IASME will take over the full responsibility for Cyber Essentials delivery from 1st April 2020.

This announcement has come on the back of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) conducting an extensive consultation process and making changes to improve the scheme. Having a clearer, more consistent path for customers to obtain Cyber Essentials Accreditation through one delivery partner. This partner is IASME Consortium Ltd.

The Practical Vision Network, incorporating leading risk management solutions provider, Lawyer Checker, has developed its own portfolio offering an array of cyber risk products, which includes delivering Cyber Essentials.

Practical Vision’s accreditation is conducted by the IASME Consortium, as it holds one of the highest cyber security standards.

Jennifer Williams, Cyber Security Specialist at the Practical Vison Network, said:

“This is fantastic news for us here at the Practical Vision Network. We pride ourselves in having the best cyber security defences possible. We are IASME certified, and are really excited to be one of the certified bodies who can provide Cyber Essentials accreditations to organisations. I look forward to seeing how this partnership develops.”

Dr Emma Philpott, MBE, IASME Chief Executive, commented:

“We are extremely excited about the prospect of working in partnership with the NCSC to develop and grow the Cyber Essentials scheme. We have seen such a positive effect already over the last 5 years where Cyber Essentials has increased the basic levels of security across all sectors.

“We are so pleases that we can be part of the future developments, working closely with the excellent Certification Bodies, trade bodies, police and other key stakeholders, to ensure further growth of the team.”

For now, it’s business as usual with regards to Cyber Essentials accreditations. Organisations can continue applying for certification through the existing 5 Accreditation Bodies up to the end of March 2020. If you were thinking of certification or re-certification, don’t hesitate. Apply as soon as you can.

For more information on the cyber services Lawyer Checker can provide please visit www.lawyerchecker.co.uk

This article was submitted to be published by Lawyer Checker as part of their advertising agreement with Today’s Conveyancer. The views expressed in this article are those of the submitter and not those of Today’s Convyancer.

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