CoPSO announce resignation of Paul Albone

The Council of Property Search Organisations (CoPSO) has announced that longstanding Director Paul Albone has resigned from his role. Paul Albone recently left TM Group where he had most recently served as Chief Operating Officer, stepping down after 21 years with the business. James Sherwood-Rogers, CoPSO Chair commented: “Paul has been an important and influential […]
Updated practice guide: Powers of attorney and registered land (PG9)

Powers of attorney and registered land (PG9) Page summary: Advice on the evidence that HM Land Registry needs when an attorney has executed documents lodged for registration (practice guide 9). Change made: Section 7 has been amended as a result of the Powers of Attorney Act 2023. We will now accept a copy of a […]
“Partial recovery” expected for 2024 property market

A “partial recovery in market confidence and transaction volumes is expected in 2024 as interest rates ease and affordability improves” according to the Halifax UK Housing Market Review and Outlook for 2024. The review was released last week alongside UK Finance predictions for transaction volumes and mortgage lending in 2023/24 and the latest Royal Institute […]
Final chance to enter The British Conveyancing Awards 2024

The deadline for entry to the prestigious British Conveyancing Awards, sponsored by Groundsure, is just hours away with firms up and down the country showcasing their expertise, raising their profile, and celebrating excellence across the conveyancing profession. Introduced in 2021 to recognise the response of the property community to the challenges presented the covid-19 pandemic, […]
Champion the conveyancing profession in 2024; play your part in National Conveyancing Week

Following the launch of National Conveyancing Week 2024, organisers are now calling on the conveyancing, and wider property profession to lend their support and make plans to take part from 11th-15th March 2024. Law firms and conveyancers are encouraged to submit their logo for inclusion on the Supporters page. Throughout the week there will be […]
Conveyancing Foundation Reflects on a Successful 2023 and Sets Ambitious Goals for 2024

This year, the not-for-profit charity raised close to £100,000, with every penny directed back into the conveyancing industry to improve and enhance the wellbeing of individuals in the property sector. In 2023, the Foundation celebrated a significant milestone, surpassing £1 million in total funds raised since its inception in 2010. This achievement underlines the Foundation’s […]
New service aims to stop payment fraud

A new service will aim to stop payment fraud by verifying the name of a bank account owner with the name of the intended payee. While confirmation of payee is largely default for consumer banking, Cashroom, who have implemented the service within their client portal, say it is a first in legal services. Confirmation of […]
Upward trend in moves further from home

There is evidence that the growth of remote working and not being tied to living near our places of work ahs had an impact on home movers. The median distance moved by UK home movers was 16 miles, and increase on the 2019 figure which was 9 miles. In 2023 less than one third (32%) […]
Diary Of A High Street Conveyancer – 18th December 2023

‘Twas the night before Christmas and quiet as mice, Conveyancers closed office doors and headed into the night, Another year over, with house moves all done, A difficult job, now off for some fun. With memories of clients, some nice and some not, Crossing the Ts and those Is we must dot, Individuals and […]
The challenges of running a law firm in 2023

In the final Today’s Conveyancer podcast of 2023 host David Opie discusses the challenges of running a law firm in 2023 with Ellisons Managing Partner Guy Longhurst. Ellisons are a full service firm with 5 offices and 275 staff across Suffolk and Essex, putting them in the top 200 bracket of firms in England and […]