Technology can help monitor wellbeing, says conveyancing veteran

Technology can help monitor wellbeing

As part of an expert conveyancing panel at the inaugural Digital Conveyancing Summit at the Law Society in London, industry veterans and experts agreed that while technology had made it possible to monitor staff, the positive of that was that wellbeing problems could be picked up and dealt with. Lloyd Davies, Conveyancing Foundation chairman, joined the […]

Jeremy Hunt confirmed as new Chancellor following Kwarteng’s departure

Jeremy Hunt has been confirmed as the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, becoming the fifth person to occupy Number 11 Downing Street since 2019. This comes as Kwasi Kwarteng was pushed out of Truss’ government earlier on Friday. The Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt MP @Jeremy_Hunt has been appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer @HMTreasury. — […]

Thirdfort partners with Mint Insurance Brokers Ltd as it broadens its partnership strategy

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The partnership aims to help property professionals navigate growing fraud and money laundering risk Thirdfort, a risk management platform combining Know Your Client (KYC), Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Source-of-Funds (SoF) verification, has partnered with insurance brokers Mint. With money laundering now costing the economy more than £100bn, the partnership aims to help property professionals navigate […]

Changes to the CQS – Core Practice Management Standards

Join us, and property law expert Ian Quayle, online on Tuesday 25th October 2022 at 10 am. In this sixty minute webinar Ian Quayle of IQ Legal Training Limited will explore the changes to the CQS Core Practice Management Standard. The following topics will examine current requirements for policy and practice with: • Risk Management […]

Real Estate in review: what is shaping the property market in 2022 and beyond?

Real Estate in review

Hear the latest updates in Commercial Real Estate and Construction during this one-hour webinar as Ryan Cox, General Manager of Major Accounts, is joined by Allan Wilen of Glenigan. Providing you with the latest insight into the property market, Allan will review the recent performance of the UK economy and how forecast recovery is expected […]

Homes England invests in new development finance fund

Homes England invests in new development finance fund

Innovative long-term development finance fund launched by investors Homes England, along with Greater Manchester Pension Fund, as well as other private investors, have pledged £80m to the Initial Close of the Newstead SME Real Estate Lending Fund (RELF). The fund is to be managed by specialist fund manager Newstead Capital, with the intention of growing […]

Regulated firms still relying heavily on hard documents for customer ID

hard documents

Almost two thirds of regulated firms believe hard copy documents provide reassurance a customer is genuine, latest anti-money laundering data has revealed. Despite questions of validity, nearly half of all firms questioned still use hard documents like passports, IDs and utility bills in some way to verify new business customers, despite more than 83% being […]