The annual Legal Eye risk and compliance conference 

Legal Eye

It is back: following a successful “Risk Management Week” held entirely online in 2021, the annual Legal Eye conference is back and in person for 2022 on Thursday 9th June. The half-day event will be held at the Hyatt Regency hotel in central Birmingham, just opposite the ICC. The theme will be: “Preparing for a […]

Join The British Conveyancing Awards live stream

The British Conveyancing Awards, sponsored by Dye & Durham, are just 36 hours away and you can join in the celebrations via the live stream.  Tickets for the in-person ceremony, which is being held at Church House in London, are now sold out, but you can still join in and celebrate the cream of the […]

Russell Quirk… shooting from the lip

How do we solve the home-moving conundrum? Property industry veteran and co-founder of ProperPR Russell Quirk joins David Opie in discussion about the state of the home moving process. In typically robust fashion, Russell challenges the conversation about the current state of play, placing the consumer at the heart of his message. “(Through my involvement […]

DLUHC Building Safety: Remediation and Funding report published

Building safety

The Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (LUHC) Committee has published its Building Safety: Remediation and Funding report. The Committee launched their inquiry following the announcements made by Secretary of State Michael Gove in his statement to the House of Commons on 10 January. On 14th February, the government set out its proposed amendments to the […]

RICS market survey: sales increase despite interest rate hike

RICS updates consumer flooding guide

The latest RICS Residential Market Survey reveals that sales of homes in the UK strengthened in February. The uptick is believed to be due to renewed interest from new buyers, despite the Bank of England’s decision to increase interest rates. The survey showed that 17% of respondents said they had seen a jump in new […]

LMS reports fall in remortgage instructions

LMS reports fall in remortgage instructions

LMS has published its latest round of remortgage analysis, revealing January trends and market activity, predicting that “collaboration and innovation will be key to progressing high levels of demand in 2022”. Although the LMS monthly remortgage snapshot for January reveals a slowing of instructions compared to December, year-on-year figures show a 60% increase. For those […]

MyIdentity scheme to be tested by FCA


Regulatory sandbox allows firms to test innovative offerings in a live environment Etive Technologies Limited will be participating in a test that it is undertaking as part of the Financial Conduct Authority’s (FCA) regulatory sandbox. The regulatory sandbox allows firms to test innovative offerings in a live environment. More information on the FCA’s regulatory sandbox […]

Diary of a high street conveyancer; 14th March

It is somewhat surprising when we  hear on the news that it was exactly two years ago when England and Wales  went into the first lockdown.  It feels as if it were only yesterday but life before was very different. Who would have thought that two years later, we would be writing about a  continuing […]