SLC urges Government to act on cladding

The Society of Licensed Conveyancers has urged the government to take urgent action to protect all those affected by the cladding scandal in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster. Board Member and former Chairman John Clay has written an open letter to the Secretary of State Michael Gove urging immediate action to support all […]
OneSearch Risk Series: The rebirth of infrastructure

Written for OneSearch by Mark Taylor, Channel Manager at Landmark Information and environmental auditor with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment. The rebirth of infrastructure Whilst other topics have been at the forefront of UK politics since 2016, one issue that has remained in the background – recently moving back into the spotlight – […]
Keeping tabs on our changing neighbourhoods

We are in a state of constant change – both through our lives and the environment around which we live in. And the pace of change in our neighbourhoods grows ever faster as new developments are needed to cater for the explosion in household demand over the last decade. We look at some of the […]
Double the size of your conveyancing business in 5 minutes

As the Stamp Duty holiday ends, Managing Director of Convey Law and the Conveyancing Academy Lloyd Davies talks about how training has been crucial to recruiting staff during a difficult time for the industry: Having worked as a Managing Director of a conveyancing practice for over 25 years I fully appreciate how difficult it […]
Failure to introduce “proper risk assessments” number one AML failure

A review completed by the Solicitors Regulations Authority into law firm anti-money laundering failures has identified a 40% increase in the number of potential AML breaches reported to the SRA, with the number one area of non-compliance is not having a proper risk assessment in place for AML matters. The SRA has published its first […]
NatWest admits to anti-money laundering offences

NatWest Bank has admitted to three charges relating to anti-money laundering failures. NatWest, the state-backed bank formerly known as Royal Bank of Scotland, will face “very large fines” according to experts, following its failure to prevent alleged money laundering of £365 million by a single customer. The criminal action, first announced by the Financial Conduct […]
London a hotbed of tax avoidance for offshore firms

Newly released Land Registry data has revealed the overseas companies that own property in England and Wales, with a considerable ‘hotspot’ in London and interest from ‘tax haven’ organisations rife. The analysis comes in the week an International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) report exposed the extent of major world figures and leaders using offshore […]
New branding for Sort Group’s Sort Legal

Conveyancing law firm, Sort Legal, launches brand new website and company-wide rebrand to enhance clients’ online journey. Founded in 2016, the Derby and Cardiff based Sort Legal have announced a new look and enhanced client-facing website that will provide further customer assistance for legal processes and a smoother digital experience for all clients. Lack of […]