Firm says homebuyers should stop sharing information via email after fraud spike

After a spike in conveyancing fraud a client compliance platform has called for ‘an end to homebuyers sharing information on email’. Client compliance platform Thirdfort has urged conveyancers, lawyers and estate agents to offer more secure ways of sharing information given rise of conveyancing fraud. After Lloyd’s bank figures released last week, conveyancing scams increased […]
How technology can help reduce burnout in the legal profession

According to Lawcare, the mental wellbeing charity for the legal community, there has been a recent increase of 24% in people contacting them for support. In the organisation’s October news article, it states that “Legal professionals are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, and these mental health concerns can be exacerbated or caused by their work environment.” […]
Risk to mental health in the workplace – what are they and how to manage them

It is World Mental Health Day on 10 October: an opportunity to raise awareness and campaign for change. This year we want to highlight the responsibilities of employers to create mentally healthy workplaces. The traditional view of health and safety in the workplace is evolving to include the risks to mental health in workplaces and […]
Mental Health Awareness Week: LawCare is getting the legal community talking about anxiety

Anxiety is the theme of this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW) and LawCare, the legal mental health and wellbeing charity, are highlighting the prevalence of anxiety in the legal community. Anxiety is one of the top three reasons people working in the law reached out to LawCare for support in 2022. LawCare’s Life in […]
LawCare launches new course to help lawyers work together

Legal mental health and wellbeing charity LawCare, academics at the University of Sheffield, and The Open University have launched a free online course for legal professionals about Working with others. The new Working with others course is the second part of the Fit for Law series – an ongoing programme to promote psychologically and emotionally […]
LawCare reports huge rise in legal professionals with career concerns

New research from LawCare has revealed a “dramatic increase” in the number of legal professionals reporting feeling concerned about their career. The mental health charity for legal professionals in the UK’s 2022 impact report shows that nearly a quarter (22%) of people contacting them for support were primarily concerned about their career in the law. […]
LawCare: Why men in law don’t speak up about mental health

Legal mental health charity LawCare has today released the findings of its all-male focus group to understand the needs of men in law in relation to mental health support in the workplace. The aim of the focus group, a diverse range of barristers, partners, mid-level and junior associates, in-house lawyers as well as those in […]
Full programme announced for Lawcare’s inaugural conference

Legal mental health charity LawCare has announced the full line up of speakers for its online conference “Building a Better Life in the Law” which takes place on Wednesday 28th September. The conference will feature leaders across the profession who are pioneering new ways of working. They will share their experiences of improving the culture […]
Tickets now on sale for LawCare’s inaugural conference

Learn more about how to improve the culture in the law and how to make your legal organisation a happy and healthy place to work Legal mental health charity LawCare is hosting its first conference this year to celebrate its 25th anniversary. The online conference “Building a Better Life in the Law” takes place on […]
LawCare celebrates 25 years of mental health support

Mental health and wellbeing support in the legal profession would not be what it is today without LawCare, the Law Society of England and Wales said today as we celebrate the charity operating for 25 years. Commenting on the anniversary, Law Society president I. Stephanie Boyce: “As one of the independent funders and a principal […]
LawCare extends online chat service

Legal mental health charity LawCare has extended its online chat service for legal professionals from one to four days a week from Tuesday 10th May. The charity, which offers free, confidential, emotional support to anyone working in the law, has been operating a helpline and peer support programme since 1997 and has supported over 10,000 […]
Loneliness in the legal sector

Humans are hard-wired to connect – we are tribal and social animals. We are biologically programmed to need other humans, and a feeling of belonging and connection drives our happiness. Despite this, many of us will know what it’s like to be lonely, especially after living through two years of reduced social interaction. Loneliness arises […]
LawCare: the value of peer support

We all know the phrases “a problem shared is a problem halved” or “it’s good to talk”, but the benefits in talking about how you are feeling go far beyond this. When we are in a difficult situation we lose our problem-solving abilities. It can be impossible to focus and it can seem overwhelming to […]
SRA launches health and wellbeing consultation

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is consulting on proposed changes to its rules that would reinforce its powers to deal with risks to clients and the public when these stem from a poor work culture in law firms. The proposals also seek to clarify the SRA’s approach to situations where a solicitor’s health issues affect […]
LawCare hits milestone number of people helped

Legal mental health charity LawCare has published its 2021 impact report, detailing the support it gave to the legal sector last year. The charity, which was initially set up to help solicitors with alcohol problems, has now grown to support everyone working in the legal profession on a range of issues from stress to bullying […]
Take part in Lawcare’s ground-breaking research study

Legal mental health charity, Lawcare is urging legal professionals to join over 1,350 fellow colleagues to make their voice heard and tell their story in a ground-breaking research study. Only four weeks to go until the deadline of 31st December, LawCare is urging legal professionals to take part in their study ‘Life in the Law’ […]
Lawcare Launches Ground-Breaking Research Study ‘Life In The Law’

Legal mental health charity LawCare has announced a new ground-breaking research study ‘Life in the Law’ ahead of World Mental Health Day on 10th October. The charity has teamed up with leading academics in the field Dr Emma Jones (University of Sheffield), Professor Richard Collier (University of Newcastle), Caroline Strevens (Reader in Legal Education, University […]
LawCare Announces New Chair & Trustee Recruitment

Legal mental health charity LawCare has appointed a new chair to its board of trustees. Andrew Caplen replaces outgoing chair Bronwen Still as of this month. Andrew is a Solicitor, Notary Public and a former President of the Law Society of England and Wales (2014/2015), Chair of the Law Society’s Management Board (2010- 2012) and […]