Unlocking Financial Excellence: Cashroom’s Credit Control for Law Firms

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In an era where legal practices are constantly evolving, the need for robust financial management solutions is more critical than ever. Cashrooms Credit Control emerges as a game-changer for law firms seeking to optimise credit management, reduce risk, and elevate their financial performance. Helping firms take control Tailored for law firms, Cashroom’s credit control is […]

Material Information is “re-engineering conveyancing by the back door”

A pressure group that says it represents the interests of property lawyers has described the Parts A, B, and C guidance introduced last week by the National Trading Standards Estate and Letting Agency Team as “re-engineering conveyancing by the back door” and warned “non-regulated companies” seeking to take advantage of “HIPs 2.0.” The recently launched […]

Australian practice management system launches in UK

An Australian practice management system has formally launched in the UK at this year’s Legalex Conference. Smokeball is a cloud practice management platform first launched in Australia in 2008 and since then has expanded in to the USA in 2012. It says it now serves 15,000 clients across various practice areas with the ambition to […]

From 16 to 65, the magic of multi-generational teams

With four generations spanning Boomers, Gen Z, Millennials and Gen A, modern workforces are the most age diverse they have ever been. With the benefits of office based working, flexible hours and advances in technology, conveyancing is an widely attractive career to employees across the spectrum, from 16 to 65.  But how often do leaders […]

Legal suppliers get vocal on Christmas charity release

Twenty of the UK’s suppliers to the legal sector have joined to exercise their vocal talents while raising money for charity by releasing a charity Christmas song. The Legal Suppliers Chorus is the brainchild of Tom Bailey, managing director of Post Partner, and sees the businesses get together to write, play and sing songs. The […]

CIE drives environmental reports standard settings

The Conveyancing Information Executive (CIE) has updated its recently completed and industry first Climate Change Environmental Report(s) Compliance Standard, in light of the Law Society guidance (article) and growing data availability across the property risk sector.   With further sector specific (real estate) climate change guidance due next year and consideration to be given to wider existing environmental […]