Digital property logbooks: levelling up to higher industry standards

Like it or not, conveyancers aren’t the first in the queue when sellers eventually get round to moving. On average once every 23 years or so home movers gird their loins and through gritted teeth call estate agents for the dreaded valuation. As the first agent pulls up outside it becomes apparent that things have […]
How to make the conveyancing process more efficient – part 1

At any point in time, there are thousands of properties on the market. That is a significant number of people waiting to move. Over two articles, we will explains the steps which sellers can take to help reduce the time a conveyancing transaction takes and, in the process, make their property more marketable to prospective […]
Net Zero – the challenges and the opportunities for the property sector

Women in Residential Property is a pan profession membership group for women working throughout the residential property industry. Through regular virtual and in-person events the group keeps its member updated with important updates and discussions on topics across the residential property sector. In this latest panel discussion, on what is probably the most important topic […]
WIZE presents Taxcasts hosted by Winslows Tax Law

#TheWIZE is the legal sector’s favourite digital magazine. In this episode “The problem with SDLT”, Winslows MD, Andrew Waddell and Property Tax Specialists and SDLT expert Sharron Carle field the latest SDLT questions and conundrums from property lawyers and contacts. Topics discussed in this episode: Evolution of SDLT from 2003 Anti-Avoidance Rules & impact on […]
240,000 empty homes could be used to ease housing shortage

New financial incentives are needed to bring thousands of empty homes back into use and give a much-needed boost to housing supply, leading to calls to restart the Empty Homes Programme which closed in 2015, having distributed £100 million, as well as removal of VAT on home and energy efficiency improvement, and discounts or exemptions […]
Over half of legal professionals have no cyber security training

51% of employees in the legal service industry have had no cyber security training arranged by their current employer, according to a new survey. This is alarming information as the same survey reveals 83% of legal professionals handle confidential data at work. The survey was commissioned by NordLocker, an encrypted cloud service provider. Oliver Noble, […]