Conveyancing and Cyber-crime

Action Fraud’s latest fraud reports show that there were £2.35bn of reported losses in the last 12 months (to March 2021), with 80% of all reported fraud being cyber enabled. The pandemic has exacerbated levels of fraud as the volume of digital transactions across all sectors has increased by an estimated 40%, leaving consumers more […]
Creating or Challenging Easements – A new webinar from Stewart Title

Easements can be a benefit or a burden for landowners literally as well as legally, so Conveyancers need to know how to prove or challenge the existence of an easement. The recent decision from the Upper Tribunal in the case of Hughes v Benefice of Frampton on Severn showing the current judicial thinking on this area of law is […]
PracticeEvolve Announce Mobile App as a Precursor to Native Cloud Practice Management Solution

PracticeEvolve Group have announced a new, secure, mobile app to complement their portfolio of Practice Management Software solutions which will act as a precursor to their native Cloud solution, currently being trialled in Australia. The introduction of the App, called EvolveMobile, gives users freedom to work on matters wherever they are, with crucial data at […]
“Brownfield First” report calls for greenfield surcharge

A major new report by the Environmental Industries Commission (EIC) is calling for a new greenfield surcharge in a bid to encourage future brownfield development. “Brownfield First” proposals suggest that a greenfield surcharge would be used by local authorities for infrastructure spending to help mitigate the higher costs associated with brownfield developments, therefore encouraging developers […]
Economic Crime Levy draft legislation published

Following a consultation between July and October last year on how funds could be raised to help the UK’s fight against economic crime, the Government has now published its proposals and draft legislation which will bring the levy in to effect. The economic crime levy announced by the Government at the 2020 Budget in March […]
Positive response ahead of new solicitor exam’s first sitting

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) today announced that more than a thousand people have signed up to take the first ever Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) assessment in November. The new single rigorous examination means that all aspiring solicitors will have to meet consistent, high standards at point of entry into the profession. Bookings for the […]