Construction industry remains resilient amid pandemic disruption

Construction industry remains resilient amid pandemic disruption

• New private housing output up 6.7% over the last quarter1 Andy Sommerville, Director at Search Acumen, says: “These latest figures show the construction industry is one of the most resilient sectors of the UK economy. “The uptick in private housing output over the last quarter has been partly driven by housebuilders responding to elevated […]

What you need to know about the new Insurance Distribution Directive

What you need to know about the new Insurance Distribution Directive

There is an ever-increasing need for insurance products in conveyancing and this need should be considered as managing risk and not just as selling products. Search and indemnity insurance is bought by conveyancers on behalf of their clients and with the new Insurance Distribution Directive (EU legislation that sets regulatory requirements for firms designing and […]

OneSearch Direct urge local authorities to address “postcode lottery” for homebuyers

OneSearch Direct urge local authorities to address “postcode lottery” for homebuyers

OneSearch Direct, the largest local search data company in the UK, has warned that the disparity in search delays is creating a postcode lottery where an increasing number of homebuyers are being unfairly penalised. OneSearch believe some local authorities are failing to prioritise the homebuying process at a time when the housing market is one […]

Report says clear flood resilience targets needed

Report says clear flood resilience targets needed

The continual wet weather and subsequent flooding issues that have affected all parts of the UK, are adding to the continual outcry for more measures to be implemented to help the property market tackle the issue. Recently, the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (EFRA) Select Committee has published a report which calls for clear flood-resilience […]