Environmental Permits for waste activities: Not a load of rubbish

Certain facilities that use, recycle, treat, store or dispose of waste or mining waste may require an Environmental Permit. If a waste operation is carried out without a permit when they should, or there is a breach in a permit conditions the Environment Agency (EA), Natural Resource Wales (NRW) and the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency […]
Living and breathing contamination

The Environment Agency estimate that around 300,000 hectares of land in England and Wales is affected, to some extent, by industrial contamination. In areas where space is at a premium, old industrial sites are often reclaimed for housing. While it is great that more new houses are being constructed, it is important for home buyers […]
Brexit predicted to bring house prices down 1% as part of wider economic slowdown

The vote to leave the European Union will bring house prices down by 1% in 2017, according to estate agents Countrywide. Whilst what “Brexit” means is still being discussed by those who campaigned for it, economists at Countrywide are predicting prices could fall by 6% by the end of the year in London alone. Countrywide […]