Comprehensive guide to property flood resilience solutions

Following last year’s severe flooding across the country, flood risk awareness and prevention has become a necessity for many homeowners. Those who are looking to buy, as well as current home owners, must be made aware of property flood data and be given solutions and tools to increase resilience. Over 5 million residents within the […]

How will the proposed Regulatory Reform affect you?

Plans of a Regulatory Reform have been discussed by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Board and further steps have been agreed to put the proposed changes into practice. All the plans must be approved by the Legal Services Board prior to being implemented. Once approved, the changes are set to encourage establishing business and reduce […]

100 Miles for 100 Years – PSG rise to the challenge

On Saturday 13th September, PSG offices up and down the country came together to walk a combined total of 100 miles in support of the Royal British Legion. Four teams made up of PSG staff and sponsors from GroundSure, Landmark and CLS, laced up their walking boots and set off on their respective 25 miles […]

Future Climate Info Flood Reports include full flood data and Insurability

PCCB and Law Society Guidance Note Compliant Includes Contaminated Land and Flood All from £39.00 + VAT To assist your client in making their decisions, the report includes insurability considerations, which are even more relevant as a result of the recent information set out below. Flooding Insurance and Problems Downstream The flood events of 2014 […]